Description: construction of Gondar University and Compound Asphalt road complex project. Value Completed and Certified is 108,874,475.90 Birr.( and is completed.)
Name of Employer: Ministry of Education
Address/Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Description: construction of Gondar University and Compound Asphalt road complex project. Value Completed and Certified is 108,874,475.90 Birr.( and is completed.)
Name of Employer: Ministry of Education
Address/Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Description: construction of Gondar University and Compound Asphalt road complex project. Value Completed and Certified is 108,874,475.90 Birr.( and is completed.)
Name of Employer: Ministry of Education
Address/Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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