ድርጅታችን ለእርዳታዉም የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎችን ተጠቃሚ ለማድረግ የተለያዩ ስራዎችን እየሰሩ መሆኑን እና ለቀጣይም እርዳታዉ ተጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥል ተገልጿል፡፡
በእርዳታውም ለእያንዳንዳቸው 1 ኩንታል የስንዴ እህል የተሰጠ ሲሆን ሰላሳ ኩንታል የሚገመት ስንዴ ለእርዳታ ውሏል። እርዳታውም በገንዘብ በብር ሲተመን ሰላሳ ሺህ ብር(30,000) የሚጠጋ ገንዘብ ለእርዳታ ውሏል።
Alemayehu ketema General Contractor has provided grain assistance to the residents of Shawe Kebele in Bale Zone. It is stated that they are working to benefit the locals and will continue to do so.
With the help, 1 quintal of wheat was distributed to each of them, and an estimated 30 quintals of wheat was donated. The aid was valued in silver and about 30,000 birr was donated.